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Vydání Imperiums: Rise of Caesar

Zdravíme vás.
Rádi bychom se s vámi podělili o novinku z našeho indie studia - konečně je totiž jasné datum vydání dlouho očekávaného rozšíření Imperiums: Rise of Caesar. Byla to dlouhá a trnitá cesta, ale věříme, že nové DLC bude minimálně tak zajímavé, jako ta dvě předchozí.

Tím datem vydání je 15. únor a bude třeba si pak možná vzít pár dní volno:)

Po zápasu o vybudování silné a mocné Makedonie za Filipa Makedonského v Imperiums: Greek Wars, po kterém následoval střet největších mocností starověku v Imperiums: Age of Alexander, se centrem dění stala Itálie a boj Říma s Kartágem (Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage). Nyní dosáhla Římská republika svého vrcholu a vnitřní boj o moc mezi senátem a konzuly neustále hrozí přerůst v občanskou válku. A v tomto bodě na scénu vstupuje ambiciózní Julius Caesar, jehož slavná tažení můžete prožít s ním v Imperiums: Rise of Caesar.

DLC přináší dvě propojené kampaňové mapy Galie a Británie. Právě tady se snaží mocichtivý generál získat slávu, bohatství a vojenský i politický věhlas díky rychlým triumfálním vítězstvím nad Galy a Kelty. A právě tady bude muset čelit tvrdým podmínkám a nelítostným válečníkům. Zároveň ale musí sledovat a chytře manipulovat dění v Římě.

Veďte římské legie do neznáma, nebo se v čele jednoho z místních kmenů postavte římské válečné mašinérii. Dvě menší taktické mapy umožňují po úspěšném tažení v Galii přejít rovnou k tažení do Británie (samozřejmě obě mapy jdou hrát i samostatně). Díky velikosti jsou mapy ideální pro multiplayer hru.

Nové mechaniky zahrnují Velitele (Ceasar, Vercingetorix, Cassivellaunus), kteří vedou a povzbuzují své muže, Počasí a roční období, které zásadním způsobem ovlivňuje plánování a průběh kampaně, a Politiku v Římě, která ovlivňuje události v Galii i Británii (podrobnosti na stránkách Steamu).

Imperiums: Rise of Caesar DLC bude v prodeji od 15.…

Release of Imperiums: Rise of Caesar

Hello everyone.
We can finally announce the release date of the long-awaited DLC Imperiums: Rise of Caesar. It was quite a ride and we did our best to prepare it to the highest standard.

The date is 15th February and you'll need few days off :)

In the previous campaigns of the Imperiums series (Imperiums: Greek Wars, Imperiums: Age of Alexander, Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage) you could relive the rise of ancient civilizations starting in Greece, and following the birth of the Roman Republic and its struggle to survive. Now, the Republic has reached a climax when the Senate and consuls try to usurp more power, leaving the state in a constant risk of civil war. The new DLC Imperiums: Rise of Caesar takes you right into the maelstrom of that turbulent era.

The DLC covers two of the greatest conquests of Julius Cesar. This power-hungry general hopes to win glory, wealth and military and political prominence through swift, triumphant campaigns in Gaul and Britannia. He will however face strong opposition, while at the same time he will have to navigating the complicated political intrigues on the home front.

Lead the Roman legions into the unknown, or fight the Roman invaders as one of the Gallic tribes. Two smaller tactical maps allow a smooth transition to the British Isles scenario after a successful campaign in Gaul (naturally both maps can be played separately as well). Thanks to the scale of the maps, they are ideal for multiplayer games.

New features include Commanders (Caesar, Vercingetorix, Cassivellaunus) that lead and inspire their armies, Weather and Seasons that greatly affect planning of the campaigns, and Politics in Rome that influence the events in Gaul and Britannia (more details on the Steam page).

Add the DLC in your wishlist and be rewarded…

Imperiums: Age of Alexander DLC will be released on October 7

Hello everyone.

We can finally announce the release date of the long-awaited DLC Imperiums: Age of Alexander. It was quite a ride and we did our best to prepare it to the highest standard.

The date is 7th October and you'll need few days off :)

The expansion brings not only a big new campaign map and new unit types but also several interesting mechanics. You can read more about them in our spotlight articles (one more is yet to come).
Regional capitals
Economic specialization
Military reserves

You can either wishlist the DLC so you won't miss the launch discount or you can pre-order it now and get an even better price.

We will stream the "dev-play" of the new campaign map on Twitch, so please subscribe to our channel. We cannot wait to show you all the new stuff in the expansion!

Kube Games team.

Imperiums: Age of Alexander DLC in the making

After the struggles of Phillip II of Macedon to establish a strong powerful state in Imperiums: Greek Wars, you can relive the clash of major ancient powers that followed in the Imperius: Age of Alexander and earn the title “The Great” for yourself.

The huge map will span from the western Mediterranean to great Persepolis and from the cold Alps to the Nile delta.
You will be able to assume leadership of 18 factions from warrior tribes of the steppe to the most powerful empires of the time.

Assume the crown of Alexander or Darius; try the role of underdog and become the founder of a Roman miracle; or threaten the world order astride rugged Scythian warhorses.

Age of Alexander will bring you a number of new features that will challenge your military prowess and political foresight in unique new ways.

Novel concepts will affect your decision making on the military, economic, administrative and political aspects of your nation.

Temporary demobilization of military units, specialization of resource producing facilities, building of provincial capitals to cope with corruption or the use of emissaries to further your interest abroad, there are no minor decisions without consequences.

Wishlist now and get a launch discount.

First DLC called Imperiums: Troy is out and for free!

After the launch of our historical 4x/ grand strategy game, we have now released our first DLC called Imperiums: Troy.

Imperiums has been well received both by media and the gaming community (we reached 84% score on Steam), and this free DLC is a gift to all our fans.

It’s a small-scale tactical scenario focused on the final phase of the legendary battle of Troy. The Greek ships have amassed at the islands just off the Trojan coast and are ready to attack, while the Trojans have fortified their coastal cities in preparation to face the enemy.

You can step into the sandals of proud and arrogant Agamemnon of Mykenai, wise Odysseus of Ithaka, brave Ajax of Salamis, invincible Achilles of Myrmidons, or honorable Priam and Hektor of Troy, and face the destiny that has been set for you by the goddesses of Fate.

However, the campaign is not only about plain battle encounters. The course of the war can be shifted to one or the other side by interventions by the gods who favor their own heroes and plot against their opponents. These events create an immersive story line with minor advantages or disadvantages for either side while staying true to the legends of the Trojan War. As always in Imperiums, this feature can be disabled if you are not fond of these kind of random events.

Each faction can reach victory in a different way, so it is now up to you how this legendary battle ends!

Have fun and good luck!

Kube games team.
